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Linux Magazine 2012 Digital Archive
This Digital Archive includes all 12 Linux Magazine issues published in 2012.
You get PDF versions of all the issues (#134 to #145) – perfect for research, finding tips and tricks, or reading a specific article one more time.
The Linux Magazine 2012 Digital Archive includes issue #134 through #145:
Linux Magazine #134:
Data Rescue
Linux Magazine #135:
Linux Magazine #136:
SSH Tricks
Linux Magazine #137:
Linux Magazine #138:
In the Clouds
Linux Magazine #139:
Linux Magazine #140:
Chips & Gadgets
Linux Magazine #141:
Living with Windows
Linux Magazine #142:
Going Virtual
Linux Magazine #143:
Intrusion Prevention
Linux Magazine #144:
Linux Magazine #145:
Build a Botnet
DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.