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Linux Magazine 2013 Digital Archive
This Digital Archive includes all 12 Linux Magazine issues published in 2013.
You get PDF versions of all the issues (#146 to #157) – perfect for research, finding tips and tricks, or reading a specific article one more time.
The Linux Magazine 2013 Digital Archive includes issue #146 through #157:
Linux Magazine #146:
Living with Windows 8
Linux Magazine #147:
10 Knoppix Rescue Tricks
Linux Magazine #148:
Natural Language
Linux Magazine #149:
Scripting in LibreOffice
Linux Magazine #150:
Build a Raspberry Pi Media Center
Linux Magazine #151:
Brain in the Desktop
Linux Magazine #152:
Drive-By Attacks
Linux Magazine #153:
Search Tools
Linux Magazine #154:
Linux Magazine #155:
Fighting Malware
Linux Magazine #156:
Is ARM the Future of Linux?
Linux Magazine #157:
Privacy Tools
DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.