ADMIN 2012 Digital Archive

This Digital Archive consists of all six ADMIN Network & Security issues published in 2012, ideal for researching, looking up information, or reading a particular article one more time.

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Issues Included:

ADMIN #7: Xen vs. vSphere:

This issue features a face-off between the leading virtual server solutions; a comparison of monitoring software Nagios, OpenNMS, Zabbix, and Icinga; and more! We also take a look at using a tablet computer as a management console.

ADMIN #8: FreeNAS:

Discover the differences in graph databases, get two email solutions, and set up network attached storage.

ADMIN #9: Windows Libraries:

Creating logical directories with libraries in Windows, and letting go of Pacemaker clusters with broken nodes.

ADMIN #10: Traffic Control:

The fine art of traffic control, six filesystems benchmarked, an HPC programming language, and NDMP.

ADMIN #11: Cloud Shopping:

In this issue, we shop for cloud-based high-performance computing and storage solutions.

ADMIN #12: NAS Shopping:

In this issue, we compare NAS storage, convert Linux partitions to RAID, and control desktops remotely with HTML5.

DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.